Meet Emma

As a mum of 3, I’ve experienced first-hand the importance of sleep and, with a background in science, I’ve seen how important sleep is for health and brain development; both for us and our babies!
I’m passionate about maternal mental health and believe sleep deprivation is not a necessary rite of passage for parents. With over seven years’ experience as a sleep consultant, I’ve had the privilege of working with so many families – empowering parents and supporting children to be better sleepers. I’d love to be part of your ‘village’.
This is a very overdue email to say THANK YOU!!! So now she sleeps from 7.30pm – 7.15-7.30am. She is now a happy, fun girl, which I am just loving. There is no more tantrums with her demanding more milk. It’s fab, she’s a different person! You have definitely changed my life for the better and it’s so nice to be enjoying spending time with Ayla now.