Sleep Discussion

Chat with an expert, get straight answers

Access professional fast advice from a Certified Consultant. In one 30 minute call, we can answer your questions, tweak things, and get you back on track.

  • Perfect for those times you have a one off problem and just need a chat.
  • Ideal for parents already following our sleep program but need to chat things through with an expert. Bounce your ideas off us!

Book A 30 Minute Consult

Who is this for?

This quick consult is ideal for past clients, clients who follor our online program, or people who have a one off problem they want to chat about. For example, how do I un-swaddle? How can I tweak this routine for by busy week? How do I handle this flight coming up? I need advice my baby is starting daycare. I need help my baby has learnt to roll over.

30 Minute Consultation
  • 1x 30 minute phone consultant, via Skype/Phone/WhatsApp/Zoom
  • Speak with a certified sleep consultant and get an experts opinion.
  • Get back on track with your child's sleep.
  • No follow up calls or sleep plan included.
Benefits of our sleep discussions
Save time, come straight to the experts
  • Stop going down a google rabbit spiral, come to the experts.
  • Quickly get your sleep back on track, or prevent complete fall aparts.
  • Prevent your one off problem becoming a long term sleep regression.

Why Sleep Train?

  • Create longer nights, easier evenings
  • Develop consistency in your naps
  • Understand your baby's sleep needs and temperament
  • Build confidence as a parent
  • Enjoy your baby more as they sleep better, and you sleep better
  • Remove the stress from nap and bed time

Quick 30 minute consult, back on track in record time.

30 minute consults are perfect for those one off problems where you know speaking to an expert will help you prevent a bigger problem.

Think of us as your best friend who actually understands your child's sleep. Quick call, and your back on track.

Are you ready to stop googling, and get some answers from the experts?

Simple select the 30 minute consult and check out. We will get in touch same day to book your consult with one of our experienced team. Leave the google spiral, and get expert advice to solve your one off problem.

Not sure which option is best for you? Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call!

Book today, talk to us within 48 hours.

30 minute consultations can be booked within 48 hours. Perfect for preventing those little problems becoming full blown permanent sleep regressions.