Are you on the hunt for some sleep resources?
These freebies are a great place to start.
Choose the one you need....sign up....check your email including your junk mail as we'll email the resource to you.
If you're looking for nap suggestions and nap routines, grab this freebie.

If you're ok for naps, but wondering about self soothing, but not sure where to start?
Take the quiz and find out your babies sleep temperament.
Click the pink box to sign up for the quiz.

Got a newborn?
This 12 week plan will show simple ways to start creating healthy sleep habits in 12 weeks.
Click the pink box to sign up......don't forget to check your junk mail.

Does your baby have a dummy?
Are you wondering if you can create a good sleeper with a dummy or if you need to ditch it?
Find out how to create a great sleeper and keep your dummy.

Whether you are at the beginning of your child's sleep journey, or just stuck with a small problem, one of these free resources will get you well on your way to better sleep.
Just be sure you check your junk mail so you don't miss your free downloads!
What do our clients say about us?
"We contacted Cara during lockdown in a state of exhaustion and desperation after enduring our 7 month old daughter waking 5+ times per night for 2+months, the worst night was 10 wake ups!
Our daughter wouldn't allow being put down in her bed without being fed to sleep, sometimes she would protest so much she would vomit. She was a very colicky baby from birth so we were used to a lot of unsettled behaviour and a baby that was difficult to get to sleep.
We kept battling on by ourselves for 2 months of sleep deprivation 'torture' and constantly were justifying why she was sleeping so poorly, e.g. teething, starting solids, crawling, walking, she was going through huge developmental leaps early etc.
So we contacted Cara, I said I didn't think she could help us but we were willing to try at that point! She listened and helped us through our specific sleep issues in a kind, gentle and compassionate way.
Our daughter is now self soothing and generally she sleeps like a champ, with only an occasional hiccup. I know things are forever changing but we are so happy and so is she, and now have the confidence and knowledge to deal with an unsettled night.
I only wished we contacted Cara earlier and cannot thank her and recommend her highly enough! "- Claire

"Chelle was brilliant, she quickly identified our issue and put a plan in place, which is still going strong weeks later!
She was very friendly and so easy to talk to, I almost miss our regular chats! Thanks Chelle, wish we'd got in touch much sooner." - Suzanne

"Highly recommend if you have trouble with sleepless nights! My baby slept well for the first 4 months but started waking up every 45 min since she was 5 months old for 12 weeks, I was so tired and started to take her to our bed by 4am in the morning to get some sleep.
We tried the 2 week phone assistant course with Daniela. She was great, she gave us constant support and advice. I couldn’t do without her support.
Now our daughter sleeps for 13 hours almost every night! Oh my goodness, I’m so happy to have relaxing time with my husband after our kids sleep again!" - Chie

"Karen is absolutely amazing!! It is the best money I have ever spent on my beautiful babe James. I felt like his sleep kept deteriorating and was affecting his mood and my mood so much.
I wanted so much to be there for him on demand and just needed a clear fresh outsiders opinion.
Day 1 and he is sleeping so much better ! Is happier and more settled and I am getting 4 hour stretches at night.
I was having and still do - a lot of judgement from outsiders about not doing it and that “this is normal for babies to not sleep” and “this is why parents go to formula and not work”.
I just knew that was not right and also being a nurse myself knowing how important sleep is for both babe and the family.
She without a doubt nailed his sleeping - yes sleep can go better and worse but it is so good to have the foundations sorted! Thank you a million!!" - Georgia