Meet Cara, One Of Our Local Auckland Baby Sleep Consultants
Meet Cara, One Of Our Local Auckland Baby Sleep Consultants
Baby Sleep Consultant, Auckland
Call 022 027 3361
I originally trained as at the University of Auckland, gaining a degree in Bachelor of Education - Primary and following this, worked for 8 years in the classroom before falling pregnant.
As first time parents, we basked in the glory of our 2 week old daughter sleeping for 8 hours straight overnight. While this continued for a couple of months, we thought we had this parenting business 'down-pat'. She didn't really nap, 20 minutes here and there, but we weren't too worried as she was sleeping so well through the night.
Then the 4 month sleep regression hit, early. We went from relatively well rested, to incredibly sleep deprived almost overnight. Suddenly our angel baby who slept an 8 hour stretch from 10.30pm - 6.30am was waking up every hour like clockwork. Was she teething? Was she too cold? Did she have a sore tummy? She started to become a grizzler, she was tired, cranky and honestly, not much fun to be around. Nothing we did helped and we were at the end of our tethers. I was due to start back at work in a week so we knew we had to get this sorted.
We did some research and although we knew she was going through the 4 month regression, we had no idea when this would end, or how to get through it without totally losing it. A friend recommended we get in touch with a sleep consultant, as they had helped her get her daughter back on track just a few months earlier. Baby Sleep Consultant NZ were her go-to, so we decided to give them a try. Within 3 days of our initial in-home consultation, she was once again sleeping through the night, her naps had extended to an appropriate length, and we had our happy, charming baby back.
Fast forward 8 months and she is an amazingly good sleeper. As a family we have travelled both within New Zealand and overseas without a hitch, which we 100% put down to the fact that we respect her need for sleep. We rarely have an off night, but when we do, we now know there is no need to panic, as there is usually a reason for it.
After success supporting a friend in changing her baby's sleep habits, I decided to look into training as a Sleep Consultant myself. Decision made! I am passionate about sleep, I love children of all ages and I'm excited about being able to work through sleep problems, making such an incredible difference to parent's and babies lives!
Cara helped me with my son's sleep issues. This included not settling for bed, very early wake ups, and waking multiple times through the night. The plan she gave me for Jaxon was very comprehensive and so informative. Baby's sleep is so complex so it was good to understand what was going on and how to deal with these issues. I think the fact that Cara is also a mum so she understood how I felt and was very empathetic helped. After 2.5 weeks and some big changes to my 7 months olds routine, sleep habits and diet we are in a much better place. He settles better for bed and can self settle himself when he wakes up majority of the time, he now sleeps in until 7am (6.30am at the earliest but it’s better than the 4 or 5am wakeups that had become the norm) and the night wakings have reduced to almost nothing. Most of all I feel more confident and less anxious about bed times and I know it can only improve. Thank you Cara for all your help and restoring my sanity.
- Jude -
Wow Cara really changed so much with our 9 month's sleeping patterns! I used to get anxiety every time I had to put him in his cot for a sleep he would work himself up and scream the house down for at least an hour. Now we mostly go to bed with NO TEARS, NO FUSS and he has learnt to self settle! Bedtime went from 9.30pm to 6.30pm and he is sleeping though until 7am. You are my saviour Cara! Thank you!!! From a happy baby and well rested mama xx
- Alysha -
THANK YOU CARA!! I feel like a new woman! If I hadn’t been so stressed and done something which I never usually would have done (post on a mum's group Facebook page!) I would still be in the same position... co-sleeping and feeding on every wakeup (many many times) overnight. Cara never tried to encourage me to do something I wasn't 100% comfortable with, and supported me through making some tough but necessary changes to our 12 month old's day and night. I would never have imagined I would be sleeping through the night "like a baby" in just 2 short weeks. Thank you for everything you have done for us!! I don’t know how I can ever possibly explain how grateful I truly am!
- Staycee -
The whole experience was great!! The support was absolutely awesome. Thank you for being understanding when she got sick, encouraging when it got tough, and helping me to get through a tricky time! Couldn’t have asked for more!!
- Stef –