Meet Kelly, One Of Our Dunedin Based Baby Sleep Consultants
Meet Kelly, One Of Our Dunedin Based Baby Sleep Consultants
Baby Sleep Consultant, Dunedin
Call 021 244 8823
After giving birth to my little lady Tia almost a year ago, I like most new mum’s found myself living the first few months of her life in a sleep deprived zombie state.
The cold realisation that your child does not come with an instruction manual really did leave me searching for answers especially when it came to sleep routines and habits. The problem I found when looking for a solution was that in this era of technology and information, there are a lot of opinions and a lot of those opinions contradict one another. It is almost a case of having too much information with literature and countless internet forums, not to mention the loving advice from friends and family.
When Tia was 12 weeks old I was given the opportunity to attend a coffee group with Kate from Baby Sleep Consultant. Tia’s sleep habits and routine prior to attending the group was as good as my husband and I could manage given our level of knowledge and experience at that time. So like most people that have found their way onto this website our child’s sleeping could have best been described as erratic. The Baby Sleep Consultant approach was a breath of fresh air. Hearing the information Kate had to share gave me a real sense of direction and from there I was hooked! We committed to the suggestions for better sleep and I was determined to learn more about the research and the science behind baby sleep. This is where I started my journey training to become a Certified Baby Sleep Consultant.
Previous to joining the Baby Sleep Consultant team I spent 9 years working in the health and fitness industry where I developed an understanding about a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle which involves balance in all areas.
I have a real passion for baby sleep and love being able to help families of any shape and size change frustration and anxiety into focus and joy by tailoring solutions to suit many different parenting styles. I honestly believe that a happy child starts with a good sleep and I get huge amounts of satisfaction out of helping Mum’s and Dad’s achieve this for their children.
“Kelly has a natural flare for understanding the sleep needs of her clients, she is knowledgeable and enjoys sharing this knowledge to help her clients. Kelly has worked with a range of ages and stages and this has helped her develop a real empathy for what her families are experiencing, it is this which makes Kelly so approachable and friendly. Kelly is a real asset to Dunedin and we are thrilled to have her on board.”
“I was very impressed with the results we received after a week of email contact with Kelly. When I first started having contact with Kelly our 10 month old baby was up 2-3 hours every night screaming hysterically, stressful for us and him! After a week of contact, he has now slept through 7pm-7am for the last three nights in a row! The best thing is our baby wakes up so happy and well rested and we do too!
Kelly was so easy to deal with, offering a range of solutions to try that would fit in with our family and supporting us positively every step of the way. Thank you so much Kelly for the help you have given our family!”
“Thank you so much for all your help Kelly, I never thought it was possible to get Diya to sleep for such long periods overnight, it’s like a dream come true. She only wakes once at night now, if that. Last night she went down easily at 7pm (self-soothed) and only woke at 4am for a quick feed then was down again until 7.15am. I’ve also found with this new found routine and sleep pattern she’s a lot happier and easier to settle. Without all your support, guidance and encouragement this would not be possible and my husband and I appreciate it so much. Thanks again.”
“Hayden and I (and Xavier) just want to say a huge thank-you for your help and support during the past week with Xavier’s sleeping patterns. It has made a huge difference to us and we now have much better control over how our days run.
We are all much happier! The results we had within the week exceeded our expectations. We had been given lots of advice before you helped us. Most of it involved being told to ‘chill out’, ‘let Xavier tell you what he wants’ and ‘all babies that age don’t sleep well’. I had read bits and pieces in books and online but it was difficult to get anything to work well.
We knew there must be a better way and the plan you put in place was the answer to that. We have already highly recommend your service to others. Thanks again!”
“I cannot say enough about our sleep consultant, Kelly and the services offered by Baby Sleep Consultant. The support, expertise and guidance I was offered was absolutely second to none, and I deeply deeply appreciate the professionalism that I was shown. Kelly could not have been more helpful, supportive or understanding. She is incredibly solutions-driven and any time I came up against an issue, she had an array of advice and suggestions for me. Her encouragement buoyed me up immensely, and allowed me to achieve success with teaching bubba to self soothe and sleep by himself.
At all times, Kelly’s message was positive and I could tell she really believes in what she’s doing, because she knows that it works. I was truly amazed at the progress we were able to make in a few short days & am still truly stunned when I can put my son down for his naps or bedtime with a kiss and leave the room, only for him to put himself to sleep without any fuss or bother.
Prior to contacting Baby Sleep Consultant, he was constantly rocked to sleep and only truly rested if he was being carried or held. Otherwise, we were looking at a series of 45 minute naps throughout the day. I still pinch myself to see how far we have come in a couple of weeks, and with all the skills and advice from Kelly, I know we will only go from strength to strength from here.
Sincerest thanks from us to you. You facilitated us through what would otherwise have been a very challenging experience with calm, grace, a sense of humour and so much valuable information. The service you offer, the detail and care you take with your clients and your approachable nature meant that this has been a truly fantastic (and life-changing) experience for us. We cannot thank you enough.”
“This has been so well worth doing and, although there’s still a little way to go until we have everything sorted, we now know what we’re doing and feel loads more confident going forward.
Bridie has adapted so well and despite the fact she was sick for the last couple of days of the week we’ve still managed to continue the technique most of the time. I have no doubt that once she’s well again we will slip straight back into routine.
Thank you so much Kelly for all your advice, it has been so comforting having someone who knows what they’re talking to about guide us through this. It’s been a lot less stressful than we expected – and certainly less stressful than the last 21 month of sleeplessness!!!”
“We tried not to get our hopes up that this would help us as we had tried so many things before and been so disappointed-Having a plan and learning about the importance of consistency has helped us to get our little boy the sleep he (and we!) desperately needed. I still can’t believe it is working so well I’m trying not to get too excited but each day is getting better and I can see myself getting back into things I haven’t done since Jed was born. I wish we called you sooner Kelly your help has totally changed our lives!
We really can’t thank you enough-we are different people from last Wednesday – it seems like a lifetime ago. Thanks heaps for answering random texts and your detailed answers to all my email questions we are blown away with the awesome service.”