The Mum Club
Welcome to the Mum Club, the first rule of Mum club is… nah just kidding!
I have a Mum club… I am so thankful for my Mum club!
They are an amazing bunch of ladies I know that I can lean on, laugh with, cry to and rely on day in and day out as I juggle my modern day mum working mum/wife life. My Mum club really arose when a very dear friend asked me if I was feeling a bit lonely, it made me laugh at first as with being a working mum of two littlies at home I am rarely ever alone!
But she was bang on, actually I was and I was craving time to be myself for an hour. It’s almost like the oxygen mask on the plane scenario, taking time out allows me to be the best Mum I can be.
First time round I had a coffee group, these ladies are great but I think to a certain degree we all had walls up and wanted to appear like we had this new Mum thing down pat.
We were lucky enough to have a Mum in our coffee group who was actually a Mum for the third time and I found so much comfort from having her there to ask questions to.
Out of this coffee group emerged some amazing friends who I count as some of my closest, they kept my spirits bright through a hard pregnancy and were so excited to meet the next addition to our family.
The next member in my mum club I met at an exercise class!
Anyone who knew me pre-children would know my idea of exercise was walking while out shopping and drinking coffee but after baby number one my amazing husband recognised that I needed an outlet/hobby so he pushed to get outside my comfort zone and find something.
Turned out I liked one type of exercise, I managed to shake off the baby weight and I got motivated to keep going because of my mum buddy and the fact I knew I needed to give myself a couple of hour long breaks away during the week to be the best version of myself.
Then I count the amazing bunch of Ladies here at Baby Sleep Consultants, although we’re far apart in distance we are at times like an online coffee group as we’ve got children of similar ages and stages and we’re connected by the work we love doing.

Have you got a Mum club?
If you don’t I think it’s about time you do! Reach out to the Mums you know, and make a regular happening date where you all get to have a bit of well-earned down time!
It could be anything, a pot luck dinner, drinks…even a picnic in a park with kids in tow but get out there and make time to be around people who get what it’s like to be a Mum.
Inspire other Mums out there to do the same and post up some pictures with the hashtag #mumclubnz
Michelle is our Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant servicing Kapiti Coast and Wellington. She is a mother of 2 and as you can see loves Coffee. You can reach Michelle at