Meet Becky

As a mother of twins, Becky found that most online resources about sleep just weren’t catered towards households like her own.
This is why Becky treats each family as individuals, using the skills from her degree in psychology to find a sleep solution that helps everyone achieve their optimum and healthy sleep habits.
We want to thank you for all the work you put in to Sabrina’s assessment, your advice and support via phone and text message and, most of all, for the day-time schedule you developed for us. In our view, that was the key to our success. Within two days we could see improvements in Sabrina’s solids intake, meaning she was hungry and more interested. That first weekend I started enforcing nap times and, again within two days I could see an improvement in Sabrina’s disposition. Now Sabrina is settled and happy, eats more, naps easily and for longer periods, and does not wake up during the night. As you know, I was on the verge of resigning due to sheer exhaustion from not sleeping but now I can continue working. Thank you Becky for your work and for helping me and our family.