Meet Cara

As a mother and primary school teacher, Cara knows the importance of sleep for the developing brain.
Cara has herself experienced the struggles that sleep deprivation bring, and worked with a consultant to resolve her own sleep issues, which sparked a passion she turned towards solving other families sleep struggles. Cara is empathetic, caring and highly sought after.
Wow Cara really changed so much with our 9 month's sleeping patterns! I used to get anxiety every time I had to put him in his cot for a sleep he would work himself up and scream the house down for at least an hour. Now we mostly go to bed with NO TEARS, NO FUSS and he has learnt to self settle! Bedtime went from 9.30pm to 6.30pm and he is sleeping though until 7am. You are my saviour Cara! Thank you!!! From a happy baby and well rested mama xx