Amanda: 021 558 136
City: Christchurch Sleep Consultant
After having children, sleep became the hot topic of many conversations. To say the least, sleep, or the lack of, consumed me.
I tried to navigate my way through advice from facebook groups, books, blogs but the more I read the more I felt lost.
I was told everything was normal and to ride it out. If only babies came with a sleep manual that was written specifically for them. I had plenty of family support but had been sleep deprived for 3 years and struggling to function properly throughout the day.
Finally, I decided to seek help from Baby Sleep Consultant. Once I had a taste of what it was like to sleep through the night again, I was hooked and wish I had reached out sooner.
This is what led me to begin my journey on becoming a Christchurch Sleep Consultant so I too could help families get the valuable sleep they need. I truly believe that with healthy sleep habits, our children are happier and in turn we enjoy those special moments even more.
I look forward to working with you on your journey to better sleep.

"Amanda (Christchurch Sleep Consultant) was a lifesaver in helping get our son's sleep sorted. She talked us through all the options and backed our choice of method and accommodated our needs for gentle parenting.
Our 9 month old son went from waking 3 times a night and being feed to sleep, to sleeping through the night within three weeks.
This change lead to better more consistence day naps. We now have a happier more bubblier baby. Amanda was there by phone and email to support us and answer all questions and give us guidance where needed. We can't thank her enough"

"This has been very helpful in establishing a good base for a routine. Checking in daily to start off with was awesome and then every other day after that was great.
It was really hard to juggle two older children with a baby, suggesting they read with me on the couch for the last feed of the night was great, I was able to pop them to bed in between and then settle McCormick for the night.
It was super helpful to know the awake window for McCormick and I still stick with this 1.5hours awake time.
It is a great support system to be able to check in with someone who is able to steer you in the right direction or give advice. Knowing that advice was coming in an hour or so was soooooo needed and almost calming.
Your tip of lying them on their left side and patting firmly to help with wind was super helpful as he does hold his wind a lot.
When I thought I was doing terribly, you gave great advice and kept me positive about his sleeping. I really, really appreciate all your help.
The best thing you helped with was stopping the awake time of two or more hours during the overnight feeds. This was literally crippling, especially getting up to two other children in the morning.
Also helpful to have you say, we know he can get to four hours so try to resettle until it's time. I almost feel like this was gold! That was the rule I think I followed most overnight and still now it absolutely works! Once I knew this, the sleeping overnight got better and the snacking stopped."

"I found this experience was really positive. Amanda (Christchurch Sleep Consultant) was really good at communicating right from the start.
I found that when things didn’t quite go to plan Amanda would give good suggestions and reassure me that what I was doing was really good. I would recommend any new mum to work with Amanda. I really appreciated the help and support we received."

Call Amanda: 021 558 136 for a free initial chat, and find out how Amanda can help you and your family get the sleep you all deserve.
City: Christchurch Sleep Consultant