Our boys are now great sleepers but that wasn’t always the case and the instruction manual seemed to be lost in the post. I also found that a lot of the information I found online was targeted at singleton families and just wasn’t practical to our family. By following some recommendations from Baby Sleep Consultants, the boys were sleeping through from 4 months and we haven’t looked back since.
I studied psychology back in the UK and have always had an interest in child development, this interest has expanded to child sleep patterns since having our boys.
I love working with families to help them enjoy their children again. Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on a family’s well-being. We work with families on an individual basis and tailor a healthy sleeping plan to each client whether it’s for their first or fifth child.

“Sam and I want to thank you for all the work you put in to Sabrina’s assessment; your advice and support via phone, text message and most of all for the day time schedule you developed for Sabrina. In our view that was the key to success. Within two days we could see improvements in Sabrina’s solids intake, meaning she was hungry and more interested. That first weekend I started enforcing nap times and duration and again within two days I could see an improvement in Sabrina’s disposition. Night time took a little longer to resolve, it was hard but after 2 nights Sabrina stopped waking up. Now Sabrina is settled and happy eats more, naps easily and for longer periods and does not wake up during the night. So much so that last weekend we moved Sabrina’s cot in to her nursery. We braced ourselves to have a few “bad” nights again following this change to her routine, but nothing changed. Sabrina continues to sleep well. As you know, I was on the verge of resigning due to sheer exhaustion from not sleeping but now I can continue working. Thank you Becky for your work and for helping me and our family.”
“Thanks Becky and everyone who recommended her. Night 3 was the worst so far but he still went to bed with no screaming and only took 45 mins (from 90 mins plus). Amazing advice and empathy, lots of great tricks to help everyone.
We have a long road ahead of us but much headway has been made.”