Meet Amy, One Of Our Nelson Based Baby Sleep Consultants
Meet Amy, One Of Our Nelson Based Baby Sleep Consultants
Baby Sleep Consultant, Nelson
Call 022 173 2970
I have always enjoyed my sleep, but didn’t realise just how much so until having my beautiful daughter, Aviah.
Suddenly, every hour – actually, every minute – counted like it never had before! During a challenging patch of sleep we had with our daughter, I was frantically searching for solutions online, and came across the Baby Sleep Consultant blog. On it, I found a very timely tip that revolutionised our nights within days of implementing it. It’s great being able to say I have been personally impacted by the company I’m now privileged to work for.
My background is youth and children’s work in various capacities, including four years as a live-in nanny in Canada (the country in which I met my lovely husband, I might add). As on-call foster carers, we enjoy welcoming children into our family as needed.
At the end of 2014, I finished a Graduate Diploma Arts (Psychology), and the science of sleep had particularly fascinated me during this period of study. Good sleep really does deserve to be viewed as a necessity to healthy living, and as a goal worth pursuing. It is fantastic working for a company who is passionate about helping families achieve this, and whose methods are tried, tested, and based on good science. There is nothing “baby whispery” about what we do. It is incredibly rewarding coaching, empowering, and supporting parents in solving their children’s sleep issues. Getting to share in their excitement when sleep goals are realised is the best part of my job as a sleep consultant.
I look forward to tailoring sleep solutions to your particular parenting style, then supporting and encouraging you in your journey to better sleep.
“I can’t THANK YOU enough for all of your help with Pheonix’s sleep patterns. After having 3 years of broken night sleeps and early morning wake ups, she has gone to sleeping all night and sleeping in until 7am, completely amazing change!!! Your advice and recommendations were easy to follow and fitted in our busy lifestyle greatly, as well as providing extra tips and encouragement along the way. I now have a child who is happy to put her dolls to bed, then follows on and puts herself to bed at 6.30- bliss. Thanks again, Amy.”
“I worked with Amy when we needed help with our 2.5 year old’s sleep. Nathan was never a good sleeper as a baby, but by 18 months we had managed to get him into a good routine. He was going to sleep easily, and staying asleep all night without any trouble, but on Halloween last year it all changed. Initially I thought it was overtiredness, but after a few weeks of waking 3+ times in the night it became obvious that this was turning into a habit. Nathan had just turned two and he was letting us know of his new need for independence. The terrible twos had arrived!! Christmas came, and to our delight he began sleeping through again on his own. Could it have just been a phase? But alas, our first night home he began waking again.
A few more months of some random 11 hour nights, and a bit of hit and miss settling and his sleeping was getting worse. I decided to get some help. By the time I got in touch with Baby Sleep Consultant Nathan was dragging out his settling routine, and waking 5+ times in a night. Amy was a fantastic help. The assessment she provided was through and easy to read. We were provided with plenty of options to form our plan of action, and Amy was always completely supportive of our chosen method. We had tried some of the methods she suggested before, but without direction and the support of someone who knew what they were doing we were still somewhat in the dark. Having to email Amy each day kept me accountable, and having her make minor adjustments and corrections daily was great. Amy checked that all the factors impacting on sleep were taken care of before we started so we knew we could teach Nathan to settle himself without worrying if he was hungry, cold, hot, sick, uncomfortable etc.
Nathan is a different kid now. He’s back to his playful, helpful self. He’s eating better again, and I’m less stressed out by the lack of decent sleep. Thank You for your help Amy :)”
“I have had the pleasure of working with Amy over the past few weeks and can honestly say she has turned our household around after we had nearly hit rock bottom. I have 2 1/2 year old twins and had severe sleeping problems with my 7 month old baby on top of that I have post natal depression and no family nearby to help out.
Amy was amazing. We started to see results after the second night. She was so knowledgeable, kind and supportive and always available to answer any queries. The methods she used were gentle and they really work. I have had a weeks worth of sleep now and feel like a new person! I can’t thank Amy enough!”
“I started working with Amy when my wee girl (9 weeks old) decided that day naps weren’t for her. Lily would go down for about 20 or 30 minutes once or twice a day, most days not at all!
Amy completely turned that around for us. She provided us with an abundance of information, tips and most importantly, support. Thanks to Amy, we are now working on a schedule with Lily that works for the whole family, especially her – just yesterday she went down for three good day naps all by herself. Woo hoo. Thanks, Amy :)”
“Our 8 month old woke hourly to 2 hourly all night and would be very difficult to settle each time. On top of this he would wake for the day at 4.30am to 5 am. Day sleeps were all over the place. This had been happening since he was 6 weeks old. We had tried another sleep consultant when our son was 3 and 6 months with no success. We thought we had a son who didn’t need sleep and we were just going to have to deal with it and continue on in our sleep deprived state. Our whole family was effected by this lack of sleep. My husband was falling asleep at work, I was barely coping due to sleep deprivation and our 5 your old son had very tired grumpy parents who had no energy to play. We were honestly at breaking point! We had cut ourselves off from friends as we had no energy to get through the day, let alone socialise. Things got so bad that Mum suggested we try another sleep consultant , as what did we have to lose!
I had read some comments on Facebook about Baby Sleep consultants, so I called Emma. She was great and really knew what she was talking about. I live in Nelson and she said there was a lovely sleep consultant Amy in Nelson who would be perfect in getting Sam to sleep ! I didn’t have much hope but went along with it as Mum was making me! Emma suggested that it would be best for Amy to have a sleep over consult after hearing our sons sleep history . I was contacted the next day by Amy. She was friendly and professional and promised results. Our overnight was booked in for a few days later.
I started to have a bit of hope after talking with Amy as she was so encouraging and understanding and was a mum herself. Amy arrived right on time. We instantly liked her. She was warm, caring and really knew her ‘sleep stuff’. After we put Sam to bed Amy went over our plan with us. We were using the spaced soothing technique . She had a plan for us to follow that fit in well with us as a family and our daily lives . She was able to clearly answer all our questions and calm our concerns. From then on we knew we were in great hands.
It took 2 weeks for our son to have both his day and night sleeps consolidated , but we had improvement in his night sleeps after 5 days. After 2 weeks he was sleeping 10 hour stretches, waking for a quick feed and settling to sleep easily for another hour an a half .( I chose to continues with one night feed due to his age, and Amy supported me in this decision). And he sleeps a total of 2.5 hours for his day naps . We honestly can’t believe it. Only 2 weeks and we feel like we have new lives and can enjoy our children . I won’t lie and say it was an easy 2 weeks as it was pretty tough at times and a couple of times I wanted to give it all up . But Amy was fantastic. When I emailed her that I wanted to give up she encouraged me to carry on and gave me the reasons why things were tough at that moment . Every time she was right . It was amazing . Amy went above and beyond what we had signed up with her for . She said she would stick with us for as long as it took and she was very true to her word. She replied quickly to all my texts and emails , night and day.
I cannot recommend Amy highly enough. I wish I had contacted her months earlier. She saved our sanity and was an absolute pleasure to work with. She is caring, professional and really really knowledgeable on babies and sleep . Thank you so much Amy and for encouraging me when I nearly gave up. You were right , it was definitely worth it even when I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel due to being so sleep deprived . We have our lives back and can enjoy our children again and it’s all thanks to you.”
“I am not usually someone who would consider paying for outside advice as I like to think I can figure things out on my own – but I am honestly so grateful that I reached out for help from Amy at Baby Sleep Consultants and I wanted to share my story in the hope that other Mothers who are also hesitant that it really is worth every cent.
Things started out really well with my second son – he always slept for 45 minutes for the first few months and only woke once or twice during the night for a feed and settled quickly afterwards. But around four months things started getting shaky after he learnt to roll and would wake himself up all the time. By six months old he would wake after 30 minutes from every day sleep and I couldn’t resettle him. This meant he would get progressively more overtired and agitated throughout the day. He was also waking up to five times a night and sometimes would take an hour or more to resettle. The final straw came when he also started waking around 5am and wouldn’t go back to sleep. I was exhausted and emotional, my husband and I had started arguing about it and my poor three year old had to put up with a constantly grumpy and tired Mum!
At around seven months I went to a coffee group session with Emma and she described all of these problems and ways to combat them. What she said made a lot of sense, but I found putting it into practice harder than I thought.
After an hour phone consultation with Amy she sent through a detailed plan of what we were going to do to tackle all of the sleep issues we were experiencing. Amy was great because she talked through the various approaches and didn’t once try to push me into anything I wasn’t comfortable with. She also explained what to expect from each change we were making and how it would impact on other sleeps, so I felt totally prepared.
When I decided that I was not prepared to go ‘cold turkey’ with my son’s dummy she did not try to argue with me, but explained the possible drawbacks and best ways of combating these.
Within a few days my son started sleeping longer for his morning sleep. The afternoon one took a bit longer and was definitely harder, but with Amy’s encouragement we stuck to the plan of consistently resettling him. Within a week this had also improved tremendously and so had his night-time sleep.
Only a few weeks later my son now sleeps for an hour in the morning, an hour and a half to two hours in the afternoon and almost always sleeps for a solid twelve hours at night. He has even taught himself to replace his own dummy! Not that long ago I was beginning to doubt this would ever be possible and we were convinced he was just a ‘bad sleeper.’
Best of all he is now a much happier and settled little guy and is no longer tired and strung out by the end of the day.
Sleep deprivation interrupts every aspect of your life and can feel like it’s going to be like that forever. I would strongly urge any other families struggling with issues like we were to get the help of Baby Sleep Consultants as sometimes you really do need a helping hand to get things on track, and it’s so worth it in the end!”