Meet Sophie, One Of Our Timaru Based Baby Sleep Consultants
Meet Sophie, One Of Our Timaru Based Baby Sleep Consultants
Mentor for Baby Sleep Consultant Training Ltd
Call 021 082 15788
Hi my name is Sophie, I am married to Tom and we have a little girl, Elsie who is now one. I have always been passionate about health and started my journey by becoming a registered nurse.
After spending time working in a hospital I was after more in life and so it felt right to settle down and start a family with Tom. Becoming a mother was the most wonderful thing I have ever done and grounded me to appreciate the miracle of bringing a child into the world.
Taking care of a baby is the hardest most enduring job a parent could ever have. It becomes about survival. Surviving every hour to feed, change and get back to sleep. I learned the hard way how important it is to understand how to help our baby to sleep and this sparked a passion to help other parents achieve this. I have a post graduate certificate in advanced nursing with a biological science basis and after deciding I needed to have a change in direction to work well with my family, continue with a healthcare basis but with my new found passion for sleep, I started learning the craft of helping babies and children sleep from Emma.
Through understanding health, science and the importance of sleep I believe in education about biological facts about sleep and fostering healthy sleep habits from birth. I am also passionate about helping parents achieve better sleep when things don’t go as hoped as baby grows and struggles to sleep well. I don’t believe any parent should feel they should be awake every 2 hours through the night as part of the deal of bringing up a child, or suffer through negative feelings towards their baby due to lack of sleep.
I aim to help parents be educated, feel positive about sleep and foster the same feelings about sleep to their children, and work with them in a way that suits their family and parenting style the best. Through this, babies and parents can be well rested, be the happiest they can be, and grow and develop into securely attached, well rounded children.
Book a chat with Sophie HERE
“Sophie is a registered nurse and highly experienced in reflux babies, she understands the stress this condition can bring to a family and is qualified to discuss the complications this common infant illness can bring to both sleep and family life. Sophie is kind compassionate and caring, she is quick to build rapport with her clients and makes them feel confident in their parent practises again.
Sophie combines her experiences as a nurse a mother and a sleep consultant, and enables families to identify their sleep issues and quickly get back on track. Sophie is experienced with all aged babies and toddlers. I would love you to book her if you are in the Timaru or Christchurch area.”
~ Emma – Founder of Baby Sleep Consultant
“Sophie was fantastic. So easy to discuss matters with and everything she explained made perfect sense. I never felt silly or awkward asking her any questions, no matter how dumb I thought they were and she was just a lovely person to chat with.
The results we have had with Elsa, not only with sleeping, but with eating also, have been nothing but AMAZING! Can not believe how quickly she adapted to the new routine and finally we as parents feel like we might be getting it right – well, most of it anyway!
So thank you for helping us get our wee girls naps and meals sorted, and for giving mummy and daddy their sanity back!” ~
“Just want to say a huge thank you for supplying Sophie, our sleep consultant. she has given us the confidence to know exactly what we are doing with our wee man, and his sleep has now improved dramatically in literally 1-2 days. he now goes through the night with just one feed, and I am confident in the knowledge that I am doing things right! the thing I love most about you guys is that you have the science and the facts to back up your advice, instead of the silly theories and opinions that come from everybody else! I am person who needs the cold hard evidence and the assessment Sophie provided had everything we needed to know.
Can’t recommend Sophie highly enough, she answered all my stupid questions and more importantly gave me confidence and moral support which I badly needed. thank you so much!”