With the arrival of summer we need to change our babies sleeping bags and swaddles to a more appropriate tog or weight.
Over winter depending on where you live and how warm your house is your baby might have been in the a 1.5-2.5 tog sleeping bag over winter, but over summer a 0.3 (ergo pouch sleeping bag) to 1.0 tog will be more appropriate.
At night your baby will still need Pyjamas and their sleeping bag, while over the day they might be happy in just their nappy and sleeping bag.
If your still swaddling your baby try the ergo pouch for very light weight stretch swaddle, or the bamboo miracle blanket made from light weight bamboo. Cotton miracle blanket is still a winner with a fan and no clothes during the day and traditional muslin is still brilliant in summer if you have good technique!

Keep your babies feet free if possibly and they will be a lot cooler!
Natural merino swaddles like the comfy bebe wick moisture away and if against the skin keep baby cool and their temperature will regulate.
A standing fan which oscillates past the cot is fantastic for naps and the hot part of the evening, allowing blinds to be pulled but cool air to circulate. Put the fan on a timer if your babies room is hot until 8pm, and then cool at 3am.
Black out blinds not only keep the light out and insulate in winter, they also keep the heat out in summer!
Keep your blinds pulled if it helps.
Your baby will wake up crying if cold, but over heating can be very dangerous so err on the side of caution.
Share this post if you have friends with babies who are confused about summer and sleeping bag tog weight!
If you need more help with your babies sleep this summer get in touch – Baby Sleep Consultants will still be working.
Emma Purdue

Emma is the owner and founder of Baby Sleep Consultant, she is a certified infant and child sleep consultant, Happiest Baby on the block educator, has a Bachelor of Science, and Diploma in Education. Emma is a mother to 3 children, and loves writing when she isn't working with tired clients and cheering on her team helping thousands of mums just like you.
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LarryPal on
This chart is very helpful to know what are the right clothes are right our baby’s depending on the weather so that they would still feel comfortable also. Thank you for sharing this by the way!
Paul Minor on
There are different sleeping aids that are required for different weather most especially during summer and winter.
Travis Martinez on
There are many sleeping aids that are available in the market nowadays. Does it depend only on you on which one you would choose right?
Charles Simms on
This site is very informative. Thanks
Myrtle Criss on
This chart is very helpful for parents to dress their little angel depending on the weather present on that day. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Kimberly Seiber on
Thank you for sharing to us some information about sleeping bags. This is very helpful to parents to have the right sleeping bag for their baby.
Gazwan Noori Noori on