Baby Hannah – 14 Months

Baby Hannah – 14 Months

Hannah also had a rough start to life, she was born with a heart condition which meant all naps where taken on mum as she basically fed and slept on mum all day to conserve energy and allow her to grow and survive until she had her heart operation.

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Swaddling for a Pavlik Harness

Swaddling for a Pavlik Harness

My squishy wee newborn LOVES being swaddled! The snuggly, warm and safe feeling it provides not only mimics the womb, but it instantly triggers a calming response and supports her sleep by protecting against the startle reflex. We were initially using a miracle blanket and it worked great. She was sleeping, I was sleeping, we were all happy! ….

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Heidi and Eden –Beautiful 11.5 month old twins.

Heidi and Eden –Beautiful 11.5 month old twins.

Mum and Dads goal- to get a reasonable amount of sleep for everyone at night, get both girls self-settling and on the same nap schedule. Mum was cuddling Eden and Heidi to sleep then transferring them to their cots, where they would wake frequently overnight and having 2 bottles each. Sometimes they would return to sleep; otherwise mum would lie in the spare bed with them where they would go back to sleep.

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