Meet Eloise

Hi my name is Eloise and I am your Baby Sleep Consultant in Melbourne. I have 3 cheeky boys and they did not sleep. I was so determined to get them to sleep I was not looking at the overall picture.
Once I got a sleep consultant in to help (I wondered why I didn’t do it sooner), I soon realised that I loved helping friends and family with their children’s sleep. I decided to get certified and spread my passion and knowledge further. I know how hard it is as a parent first time or third time to try to function on little to no sleep when sleep is so important. I want to work with families to help them achieve their sleep goals at their own pace.
I don’t know how to thank Eloise enough. Harriet is sleeping through the night and has perfect day naps. She is a bloody legend and we are not sure we could have done it without her
Eloise was so kind and understanding and allowed us to go as gentle as we wanted. Ollie is a superstar sleeper now. Thanks Eloise