Auckland Baby Sleep Consultant Dee – talks to you..
Dear Client,
I wanted you to know that when I arrived at your house (as one of the auckland baby sleep consultants), the first thing I noticed was what an amazing mum you are. I can see that your baby has come first on your list for weeks now, and I can see how happy and well fed your little one is because of this.
I smile quietly when you apologise for your messy house or the washing that is piled up in the corner, or that the dishes are not done. I can see that your priority has been your little one, and I think you’re amazing. I don’t see mess, for me every front door that I walk through I see a woman who has called me and invited me into their home looking for reassurance and answers, and to be told they’re doing a great job….you are doing a great job!
While at your home, I admire your photos and I can see the lady you were before having children. I too have the same photos, and I also look back at my own photos and know once you’re a mum you will never be the same. You are much more of a woman now!
When you are talking to me trying to explain how things can be challenging or difficult at the moment, I reflect and remember how I was when I had my babies the same age. I’ve been there, and I understand the pain, the worry, the uncertainty, the exhaustion and the love you are talking about.
Many a time I feel what you would benefit most from right now, is someone to hug you tight and tell you everything is going to be ok………….. and for some of you I have done just this. I know for me a hug made all the difference to those early days.
When it’s time to pop baby down for their nap, I see you behind the smiles, the quiet chatter between the two of us, you’re hoping and waiting for the quiet to come so you can finally breathe. This is why when baby is down I always offer to make a cup of tea, and to encourage you to eat while I am there…I’m here to help you and support you and empower you…do not worry I do not judge.

Mostly, I want you to know that I love coming to your home to help make a positive change for your family. I want you to know that so much of me, I see in you every day. We are all doing our very best to be the best Mums we can be. I congratulate you for reaching out, because I never did. I struggled on my own through these times. You are already one step ahead of me.
Lastly I just wanted to let you know that you inspire me. We need more women like you who are strong to encourage others who might need some support or just a hug! I hope one day you recognize in others what I recognized in you, reach out; make a them a cup of tea and tell them they are doing a great job.
Thank you for being my client!
Dee is an Auckland Based Baby Sleep Consultant
Mother of 2
Early childhood teacher and loves helping tired parents all across Auckland.
Call her on 021 674 300 for a free 15 minute chat