MYTH - There is only one way to be a good parent

MYTH - There is only one way to be a good parent

MYTH - There is only one way to be a good parent

If you have ever seen Kristen Bell Momsplain anything before, you'll know that she is hilarious and on the money!

In this video below, she interviews Brené Brown.

Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work.

Check out the entire video, its laugh out loud funny but also on point at 2 minutes and 10 seconds when Brené busts the myth that there is only one way to be a good parent!



We are all so different in our parenting styles, and we are all doing what works for us, our families, our situations and our children.

Whether that is bottle fed, breastfed, gentle parenting or cry it out, back at work with a nanny, or using day care or staying at home, cloth nappies or disposables, baby wearing or loving the latest stroller, using time out, or time in, never allowing messy food, or loving baby led weaning.

We're all different and that is what makes this time in our lives so interesting.

You do you, and let's all let the mum shaming culture die.



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